1·Nuclear submarines are able to provide their own infinite supply of air, water and power. Their only limitation for staying submerged is the amount of food on board.
2·Japan has already provided around 20 billion yen to help dismantle more than 70 retired nuclear submarines believed to have been abandoned in the Russian Far East.
3·STEALTH bombers, giant aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines are the modern symbols of military might, but they are of limited use in today's "asymmetric" conflicts.
4·To date, 58 U.S. nuclear submarines have been equipped with Sperry Marine VMS-based navigation systems, and 92 percent of them have been certified to use ECDIS-N as the primary navigation plot.
5·To date, 58 U. S. nuclear submarines have been equipped with Sperry Marine VMS-based navigation systems, and 92 percent of them have been certified to use ECDIS-N as the primary navigation plot.
迄今为止,美国的58艘核潜艇都已配备了斯佩里海事vms导航系统,其中92%已经获得认证,使用ECDIS - N作为主要的导航图。
6·"Spending will increase because of decisions by both nations to upgrade and replace ageing nuclear production factories, missiles, submarines and bombers," he says.
7·Two nuclear missile submarines — one British, one French — armed with a likely total of well more than 100 thermonuclear warheads collided under the Atlantic Ocean earlier this month.
8·It emerged that two submarines carrying missiles armed with nuclear weapons-one British and one French - accidentally collided beneath the Atlantic earlier this month.
9·NATO sources told TIME that France is not alone in withholding information about nuclear-armed submarines — the Brits and Americans keep the locations of their strategic deterrents secret too.
10·Earlier, Mr Brown announced a reduction in the number of submarines that carry Trident, the British nuclear deterrent. See article.